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EmprendHEC en Núcleo de Inversionistas del Valle, Guanajuato

Foto del escritor: Equipo HECEquipo HEC

Really happy because our home state, Guanajuato, in México, keeps leading, setting up the proper conditions for innovation and entrepreneurship, aligned with our context.

In México and Latin America, most businesspeople and investors still have a traditional mindset towards investing and risk. They invest in "tangible", "verifiable", working businesses. That is why Guanajuato State through its Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agency, Idea GTO is launching a select group of Angel Investors called "Núcleo de Inversionistas del Valle", starting with a specialized training program, focused on having the right mindset and tools for Angel Investors.

We are even more than happy to be part of this distinguished group!!!

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Valle de Santiago, Guanajuato, México. C.P. 38400.

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